Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Fun New Artist: Asher Roth
Playboy Mansion Party
The song is kinda catchy too. Anyone know what it is?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Style Profile: Jude Law
Slim, classic, and sometimes daring, Law knows a thing or two about fit. Never scared to experiment (to occasionally mixed results), he is his own man. Jude goes easily from mixing edgy cut fabrics inspired by British Rock culture to classic cut tuxedo's paired with Ray-Ban Wayfarers at Cannes Film Festival.
One thing no one can argue is that Jude has his own look that he is comfortable with. We should all strive to find that nonchalant style, disheveled elegance look.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Why Hipsters Suck

In the beginning they were kind of fringe, on the edge, almost rebellious. The ironic moustache aroused a chuckle or two, even from me.
Now the trend has turned to be the next Ed Hardy, the contest appears to have become who can look like they make the least money. Montreal is flooded with them. I can see them snickering at me as I walk by, they think, look at him, he looks like he has a good job!
The one thing I don't understand is: how come it is now cool to look like you are wearing a sweater that you sewed together from used carpet? Oh, that is a nice scarf, you made if from a curtain from the 70's? Amazing!
The Style Advisor hereby pronounces the hipster trend dead.
Style is timeless. Fashion comes and goes. Hipsters, I hope you go quickly.
Wolf Shirt is back
If this is new to you, make sure to check out the comments!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Buzz Cut (aka shaved head style)

A little scruff tends to balance things out too. Even better you can wear hats without worrying about hat hair! If your still hesitant, just give it a try, afterall hair always grows back.
The Style Advisor is definitely going for the look this summer, are you?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Prendre une Pause
I look forward to continuing the blog in the near future.
Merci pour votre comprehension
Sunday, April 5, 2009
More Good Music
Its in English too, unlike this one.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
More Men's Wear Mistakes
Layering a dress shirt with another dress shirt of a different color (or the same color for that matter) is not a good idea ever.
I actually have seen this. A few times. Yes, really.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Common Project Sneakers

If your looking for a sneaker, I would definitely recommend Common Projects. Slim, sleek and modern they will get you through the summer.
Also available in mid and high top.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Esquire: Best Dressed Real Man
The competition is not that great, so perhaps you can win! Although I don't know what you would do with $10,000 at Kenneth Cole.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
St. Ambroise Abricot Beer

If you have the chance give it a try. You won't regret it, although I warn you it is highly addicting.
I will definitely be going to their brewery this summer. Perhaps they will even have their pumpkin beer which is only available for a limited time in the fall each year.
I think I need a beer....
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Essential: Leather Jacket

From Fonzie to James Dean, and [insert favorite rocker here] the image is iconic. As a kid you look at these role models (well maybe not Fonzie) and imagine yourself hitting the open road on your motorcycle for a few weeks, living on the open road and sleeping under the stars. Or maybe your pictured yourself performing on stage for a crowd of adoring groupies, traveling from gig to gig on a tour bus, your biggest worry where to score your next hit.
But, wait you are not in your dressing room after a show consuming copious amounts of drugs. Perhaps your next road trip more likely consists of a minivan and the kids wondering "are we there yet?", then hitting the road on your hog.
The leather jacket can still be for you. However, you might want to pass on the black jackets with spikes and gregarious zippers. That does not mean you should not pay attention to fit, and quality. Far too often the leather jacket has been disseminated to an overcoat with four or five buttons sitting on you like a sack.
Pay close attention to fit no matter what style you choose.
-The jacket should fit snug not tight. If you see any pulling or the jacket restricts your movement, size up.
-Don't let the sleeves cover your hands. Although the sleeves can be longer then a blazer or suit jacket, the sleeve should still end at your wrist and not at the base of your fingers.
-Make sure the shoulder hem sits on the end of your shoulder. If it falls off in any way, that jacket is not for you. Put it back on the rack or size down.
-Keep the jacket on the short side, I like it to go slightly past the belt line, maybe an inch or two, anything after that is too long (obvious exception: Belstaff style jackets).
-Pair with your favorite pair worn in jeans and black boots.
So, even if even if you are so lucky to be contemplating your next rehab stint over guitar strings pay attention to these rules and your look will be iconic rather then abhorrent when the Enquirer snaps a picture of you checking into your favorite clinic.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Daily Grind
Our lives are based on routine. It has become quite depressing how many of us are drones, just going through the motions, but hardly conscious of our own surroundings. Money is God, living is pain. The more we have the more we want.
We do it because we have to. It is whats expected. What if I just left? What if I went back to school? What if I quit my job and traveled for a few months?
I am much more scared of another question, what if I didn't?
Have an adventure. Take a risk. Do it just because.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Skinhead Inspiration 2

Check out the original post here.

Monday, March 16, 2009
Lofty Ideas

I have this strange, almost romantic dream of buying one, setting up a couch in the corner of a huge open space and just living. No other furniture. Well maybe a few bookshelves and a rolling clothing rack. Its probably not the most practical idea, but it would be something.
I really love the loft pictured here. Especially the booksheft spanning two floors.However, I wish it was just a little less perfect. Maybe an exposed brick wall or some furniture with character and life.
One of my friends lives in a converted loft that was once a cork factory that had burned, but not completely. They had to sand down the charred beams that are still visible in his home. I love that kind of character.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Style Inspiration: James Dean

James Dean is a great inspiration for a Laissez-faire approach to life. Stick out from the crowd. Embrace youth. Live fast and hard.
He makes us realize that life is far too short to live with fear. James Dean embraced this philosophy and that is what makes him such an icon. He did what we are all so scared to do-- let go of preconceptions of what we are supposed to be. Sadly, his story also reminds us that life is short.
Live life by your own rules.

Friday, March 13, 2009
Essential: Black Boots

Above is a very nice collaboration with Wings + Horns and Dayton Vancouver. A bit pricey at $798. However, they actually tie the boot in a knot and dip it in water to get a distinct shape.
Below is the classic Red Wing Gentlemen's travel in black. It goes for around $260 and should last you years of heavy use. Be sure to size down on these as they run quite large.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Lapo Elkann

Double breasted suit jackets with large lapels, flowering pocket squares and a blonde mame are his staples. Whether you like his style sense or not, you can't say that it is not unique. He does what he wants, how he wants, and doesn't care what you think of it.
I like that.

Monday, March 9, 2009
A Quick Note
-Sleeve tags of all jackets are meant to be removed upon purchase.
-Vents and pockets that are sewn together are also meant to be cut open before wear.
-If your suit or blazer jacket (or any other article of clothing) covers most of your hand there is a problem.
Speaking about such matters, it would also be advisable to remove tags off scarves. This is just a small detail that is easily fixed, so why not do it?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Skinhead Inspiration

Just to clear up any misunderstanding that may occur, from wikipedia:
A skinhead is a member of a subculture that originated among working class youths in the
I have been drawing inspiration from these looks lately.
Sturdy boots, gingham shirts and jeans. Take any piece you enjoy and integrate it in your wardrobe, you can't go wrong. I would skip rolling up the jeans and the blood red Doc Martens, unless you actually belong to this subculture.
Oh yes, you might want to keep the suspenders at home as well.

Thursday, March 5, 2009
60's French Style

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Flight of the Conchords
Monday, March 2, 2009
Thome Browne Rules Of Style

1) I don’t understand why everybody thinks that dressing casually is so much more comfortable. I’m as comfortable in a suit as I am in anything else.
2) Good champagne—good, not expensive—has been my cocktail of choice for as long as I can remember. I like them all—Bollinger, Taittinger, and others. I also collect champagne coupes; I have more than 10. They’re one of the few things that I collect.
3) Chariots of Fire, Death in Venice, North by Northwest, and The Thomas Crown Affair are some of my favorite films—and they’re all particularly inspiring for menswear. I watch movies all the time but I don’t like to go to the theater. It’s just too much.
4) Guys shouldn’t spend a lot of money on a haircut. I go to Chelsea Barbers in New York, where I pay about $30. The price went up, but I’m very loyal to the woman there.
5) It’s sad that the cell phone is replacing the watch as a time-telling device. I wear a vintage watch that’s really skinny.
6) When it comes to shoes, you don’t really need more than a few pairs of wing tips or oxfords. They’re classics. And I wear only black shoes in the city. Brown ones are for the country.
7) Men don’t know enough about being courteous toward women. You should get into a cab before a woman so she doesn’t have to slide across the seat. And you should always go first into a revolving door so she doesn’t have to push—unless it’s moving, then let her go first.
8) Seersucker and khaki suits are the key to looking put-together in the summer. I also wear shorts year-round. And I would never say never, but I don’t wear sandals. With shorts, it’s wing tips and tennis socks.
9) I like menswear from the late fifties and early sixties. It’s the uniformity and the lack of choice from that era that I respond to. It’s also the last time that there was such a distinct American style. Now it’s all jumbled up and homogenized.
10) I love white linen sheets, but they need to be ironed, so that limits my use of them. Otherwise, I like really good, starched white cotton sheets. They have to be white.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Scott Sternberg Rules of Style

1) Opening a conversation with "What do you do?" makes you sound like a shifty, social-climbing dickwad. Small talk is for sissies, but if you're stuck with it, you can certainly come up with something better than that.
2) Talking about what brand you're wearing is gay in the bad way. Just keep quiet and play dumb if someone asks. Talking about what a great deal you got on the aforementioned item is worse. If you must, tell your mom, because she has sale empathy and will take your victory as her own. It's sick.
3) I don't think a tie is a relic, not yet. It's purely masculine—that one garment that allows you to go a little outside the box. A tie with a well-cut suit makes you look put-together and confident. It's an auto-chic, easy uniform.
4) Cigarettes are a vile, dirty habit. Joints, on the other hand, are perfectly acceptable.
5) Whenever you start a new project or a new job, don't tell anyone what you're working on, because it can change direction a million times and once you start telling the world about it, you get constrained by your own mouth.
6) That skin-toned paste your girlfriend gave you to treat your pimple is makeup. Don't kid yourself. You're a girl if you use it. Figure something else out.
7) Rabid atheism does not lead to attractive or acceptable cocktail-party conversation. You know who you are and you need to chill. We get it, okay? God is for dummies. Now shut your hole.
8) It's just not cool to fart on a plane, even if everyone's ears are plugged from the altitude and they can't hear where it came from. Heed my warning: Airplane-fart karma is a bitch, and you will find yourself at the receiving end on a sleepless transcontinental red-eye soon enough.
9) Style fills the gap between how you see yourself and how you want other people to see you. It is not a mysterious quality reserved for Cary Grant or Liberace. You have a sense of it in there somewhere. It's just a matter of finding a way to express it without seeming like you're trying.
10) Rules, as they say, are meant to be broken. Don't get too caught up with what I—or anyone else—tell you about your personal style, except for No. 8.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Perfect Bag

If your looking for something more affordable, I definitely recommend checking out your local Army surplus stores. Simple, canvas messengers can very often be had for a very good price.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Cool Home 2

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Most Stylish Cellphones in Canada
1) Apple Iphone - Available at Fido for 199.99, 8 gig, 3 year 299.99 for 16gb on a 3 year plan. Everyone has it, its battery life kind of sucks, but you can't deny its look. Even on this short list it has sparked numerous copycats. Available in white or black.